Gouvernment Policy


    National Mental Health Action Plan including short, medium and long-term objectives

    December 2005

    NSPOH- Amsterdam

  • Presentation of the National Centre of Mental Health Care by dr. Ileana Botezat-Antonescu

    Founded through the Government's Resolution 356/26.03.2008

    Decree nr. 1094/2008 regarding the approval of the regulation of organization and functioning, of the organizational structure, of the management, and of the number of job positions for the National Centre of Mental Health - published in the Official Gazette, 1st Part nr. 443, 12-06-2008

    Actual starting date: october 2008

    Read more: Presentation of the National Centre of Mental Health Care by dr. Ileana Botezat-Antonescu

  • Myth or Reality

    Seminar: “Equal Opportunities & Employment, Training and Income Maintenance for People with a Psychosocial Disability”, Workshops on Equal Opportunities by Wouter van de Graaf and Isabelle Pavone.”

    Myth or Reality

  • Patient rights

    Article 35

    1. Any person with mental disorder has the right to the best available medical and health care services.

    2. Any person suffering from mental disorder or being treated as such has to be treated with humanity and with respect for human dignity, and to be protected from any form of economic, sexual or other kind of exploitation, from harmful and degrading treatment.

    3. There shall be no discrimination on the grounds of mental disorder.

    4. Any person suffering from mental disorder has the right to exercise all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights as recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as in other international conventions and treaties in this field, to which Romania has adhered or is a party, except in cases specified by law.

    5. Any person suffering from mental disorder has the right to live and work, to the extent possible, in the community. Local public administration, through its competent organs, ensures the patient?s integration or reintegration in occupational activities adequate to his or her health condition and capacity of social and professional reintegration.

    6. Any person with mental disorder has the right to receive community care, as defined in the present law.

    Read more: Patient rights

  • European Legislation on Compulsory admission


    The involuntary placement and involuntary treatment of mentally ill patients are central issues in mental health care. Their massive impact upon the liberty and freedom of the persons concerned have made them a topic of controversial legal and ethical debates for more than 100 years. These debates evolve from the necessity to apply coercive measures in certain circumstances, a fact which singularly distinguishes psychiatry from most other medical disciplines. Thus, during the 19th and 20th centuries different approaches to regulating the application of coercive measures were developed across Europe and all over the world that depend on a variety of cultural or legal traditions, as well as on different concepts and structures of mental health care delivery.

    Read more: European Legislation on Compulsory admission

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