"Psychiatrist's profile" by the Dutch Psychiatric Association

In August 1996, the Netherlands Psychiatric Association published “Psychiatrist’s Profile1”, satisfying a broadly felt need in society for clarity on what can be expected from a psychiatrist. Lack of clarity is unfavorable for the psychiatrist in adequately practicing his profession and is detrimental to potential patients.

The “Psychiatrist´s Profile” report from August 1996, formulated by a committee headed by Prof. Dr.W. van Tilburg, provided a major contribution toward clarifying what may be expected from a psychiatrist.Assuming the identity of psychiatry as a medical specialty, an examination was made into the field of activity and methods of psychiatry for patient-related and non-patient-related tasks of the psychiatrist as well as his required knowledge and skills. Many of these formulations still fully apply.

Nevertheless, there is now a need for a revision of that profile.The profile strongly emphasized the proposition that the medical specialty of psychiatry is characterized by the breadth of its field of activity.As a result, the psychiatrist was destined to have the role of "playing captain" within a multi-disciplinary mental healthcare organization and it was expected that psychiatry would be able to find solutions for various social problems. Developments since 1996 have meant that these basic principles need to be re-formulated.

Moreover, it primarily concerns social developments, developments in training physicians and medical specialists and developments in mental healthcare.

“Psychiatrist´s Profile” by the Dutch Psychiatric Association



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