Presentation of the National Centre of Mental Health Care by dr. Ileana Botezat-Antonescu

Founded through the Government's Resolution 356/26.03.2008

Decree nr. 1094/2008 regarding the approval of the regulation of organization and functioning, of the organizational structure, of the management, and of the number of job positions for the National Centre of Mental Health - published in the Official Gazette, 1st Part nr. 443, 12-06-2008

Actual starting date: october 2008

    The functional departments within the National Centre for Mental Health Care are:

  • The department of mental health care politics and programmes
  • The department for the monitorization and evaluation of the mental health care services
  • The department RUNOS
  • The department for finances and bookkeeping
  • The administrative department

Presentation of the National Centre of Mental Health Care by dr. Ileana Botezat-Antonescu



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