Gouvernment Policy
There are no translations available.National Mental Health Action Plan including short, medium and long-term objectives
December 2005
NSPOH- Amsterdam
Prezentare CNSM, dr. Ileana Botezat-Antonescu
- Înfiin?at prin HG 356/26.03.2008
- Ordin nr. 1094/2008 privind aprobarea regulamentului de organizare ?i func?ionare, a structurii organizatorice, a func?iilor de conducere ?i a num?rului de posturi pentru Centrul Na?ional de S?n?tate Mintal? - Publicat în Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 443
- din 12/06/2008 Începerea propriu-zis? a activit??ii în octombrie 2008
CiteĹte mai mult: Prezentare CNSM, dr. Ileana Botezat-Antonescu
Myth or Reality
There are no translations available.Seminar: Equal Opportunities & Employment, Training and Income Maintenance for People with a Psychosocial Disability, Workshops on Equal Opportunities by Wouter van de Graaf and Isabelle Pavone.
Drepturile persoanelor cu tulbur?ri psihice
Orice persoan? cu tulbur?ri psihice are dreptul la cele mai bune servicii medicale ?i îngrijiri de s?n?tate mintal? disponibile.
Orice persoan? care sufer? de tulbur?ri psihice sau care este îngrijit? ca atare trebuie tratat? cu omenie ?i în respectul demnit??ii umane ?i s? fie ap?rat? împotriva oric?rei forme de exploatare economic?, sexual? sau de alt? natur?, împotriva tratamentelor v?t?m?toare ?i degradante.
Nu este admis? nici o discriminare bazat? pe o tulburare psihic?.
CiteĹte mai mult: Drepturile persoanelor cu tulbur?ri psihice
European Legislation on Compulsory admission
The involuntary placement and involuntary treatment of mentally ill patients are central issues in mental health care. Their massive impact upon the liberty and freedom of the persons concerned have made them a topic of controversial legal and ethical debates for more than 100 years. These debates evolve from the necessity to apply coercive measures in certain circumstances, a fact which singularly distinguishes psychiatry from most other medical disciplines. Thus, during the 19th and 20th centuries different approaches to regulating the application of coercive measures were developed across Europe and all over the world that depend on a variety of cultural or legal traditions, as well as on different concepts and structures of mental health care delivery.
CiteĹte mai mult: European Legislation on Compulsory admission
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